Key concepts for a Christian's response

Learn how to respond to the evolution theory by clearing a path for the gospel in our own faith life and in our witness to others.  

Evolution and creation contrasted

The creation account and the evolution story are contrasted, highlighting major differences between the two.  

Did God use evolution to create the world?

Most Christians in today’s world think God used evolution to create. If one takes that thinking to its logical conclusion, the Christian faith is destroyed. 

The blessing of our thinking abilities

How should we use our human reason to defend the faith?  We answer this question in Lesson 4 of the Creation and Evolution Series.

The nature of the scientific method

Science generates useful explanations but not final truth. Secular experts in science are unified in that assessment of science.

A Christian's response to the theory of evolution

We should question the unprovable assumptions that direct and constrain all science including evolution. 

A Christian's Response to Natural selection

Natural selection produces new species, but always within their own kind. We learn what this means in Lesson 7.

Can a fish transform into a Human being?

Evolutionists commonly use the true parts of evolution as proof that the false parts are also true. This lesson examines how they do this with natural selection.

A Christian's Response to Dating Methods

Dating methods give very useful information on the age of certain things. Evolutionists go beyond that, and use unprovable assumptions that lead to ages of billions of years.

Fossils: A Christian's Response

The Evolution Theory correctly poins out the geologic column has 12 layers of fossils. Then Evolutionists ask us to imagine the animals that left these fossils descended from a bacteria-like common ancestor.