TELL began in 2018 with a big mission: to teach English speakers across the globe to share God's Word with their communities. Director Rev. Nate Seiltz, along with his team, has worked everyday to accomplish that mission and bring this program to you.
Thanks to generous supporters and friends of TELL, the entire TELL curriculum is free of charge to you.
Our instructors use the pure Word of God with nothing added or taken away. Our instructors have extensive knowledge of biblical languages, history, world religion and more. It’s their job to teach you the truth of the Bible and answer your questions about faith and religion.
Our instructors use the pure Word of God with nothing added or taken away. Our instructors have extensive knowledge of biblical languages, history, world religion and more. It’s their job to teach you the truth of the Bible and answer your questions about faith and religion.
Pastor Ted serves as pastor of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Central Texas, USA. In the past he has served the Lord as a missionary to the Apache Indians in Arizona USA and as a Spanish speaking pastor in a bilingual church in Phoenix, Arizona USA. He has also served as a volunteer missionary in Mexico. He has a wife and 6 children. It is his joy to teach you the word of God.
Pastor Paul serves in the state of Illinois about 50 miles south of Chicago in the United States. He has served in the Kingdom as a pastor for 12 years after graduating from Seminary in 2011. He has been regular TELL instructor for over one year and looks forward to teaching you soon. He is married and has four wonderful children. He enjoys running, playing golf, traveling with his family and spending time with his family.
Pastor Tim believes people - all people - are God’s true treasure. His favorite sport is the one any of his 5 grandkids are playing. He has a Master of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary but often says he still has so much to learn about Jesus, his love, and sharing it with others.
“Joy is the serious business of heaven” is one of his favorite quotes. He is a long-time TELL instructor and looks forward to meeting you soon!
Pastor Patrick has served as Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Louisiana, a state in the US since 2014.
He graduated from Martin Luther College with a Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Languages in 2008. He graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary with a Master of Divinity in 2012. He is currently working on a Master of Sacred Theology from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and hopes to earn that degree in 2024.
Learn about TELL LIVE Class in this video. The TELL Program has over 20 courses for you to take LIVE on Zoom. That's almost 3 years of study with theologically-trained instructors!