A letter to the romans

The first lesson begins with John’s letter to the Romans. John writes about the foundation of our faith, the power of the gospel and the peace we receive through faith in Jesus Christ. 

letters to the philippians & colossians

The letters to the Philippians and Colossians serve as foundational texts that offer wisdom and inspire spiritual growth. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to guide believers who are navigating life's challenges with a Christ-centered perspective.

a letter to the galatians

The people of Galatia were confused in their understanding of Scripture. In this lesson, we’ll read Paul’s letter to the Galatians as he strongly defends the truth of the gospel against misleading and unnecessary additions to Scripture.

A letter to the ephesians

In this lesson, Paul reminds the Ephesians of their identity in Christ. In this important epistle, Paul provides the Ephesians with practical ways to live out their faith even when facing challenges.

letters to the philippians & colossians

Paul writes to believers in Philippi to live in a manner worthy of the gospel and to followers of Christ in Colossae to clothe themselves with love. In this lesson, we’ll learn important concepts from the books of Philippians and Colossians.

a letter to the thessalonians

In this lesson, we’ll learn Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. The Thessalonians were Christian role models in a pagan society, eagerly awaiting the Day of the Lord.

a letter to the hebrews

The primary theme of the book of Hebrews is the superiority and sufficiency of Christ. In this lesson, the author emphasizes that Jesus is superior to angels, Moses, and any High Priest. 

letters from James and paul

In this lesson, you’ll learn two epistles written by James and Paul. Jame’s letter is a direct and practical guide for the Christian community. Paul’s letter to Philemon challenges us to extend forgiveness, grace, and love to others, even in difficult situations.

letters from peter

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to endure trials with the living hope you have in Christ, embrace your identity in Christ and develop strategies to live a holy and godly life in anticipation of God’s promised future through the books of 1Peter and 2Peter.

letters from john & jude

In this final lesson of the Epistles: Letters of Faith and Wisdom course, you’ll learn important truths from the books of I, II, and III John and Jude.