BIBLE STUDY ON Paul's First Missionary journey

 In this lesson, you’ll learn the steps to take to make disciples by studying Acts 13 and 14 to learn from Paul as he shared the gospel of Jesus Christ on his first missionary journey.

BibLE study ON Paul's letter to the philippians

Jesus makes disciples through the “power for salvation”. In this lesson, you’ll learn how you can make disciples of others using the same power.

BIBLE STUDY ON the Perfection God Demands

Are you ready to make disciples? In this lesson, you’ll learn how to teach believers using Bible stories, look for opportunities and identify leaders.

BibLE study ON THE Pharisee and tax collector

In this lesson, you’ll learn more about grace–God’s love freely given to man–even though we do not deserve it, nor can we earn it.

BIBLE STUDY ON The Thief on the Cross

The account of the thief on the cross demonstrates the gift of grace received through faith. In this lesson, you’ll learn details from the book of Luke for further understanding.

BibLE study ON Throwing the first stone

In this lesson, you’ll learn how we are encouraged throughout Scripture to do good works because we are saved.

BIBLE STUDY ON Philip and the Etheopian

The Apostle Paul was willing to adapt how and where he presented the same message based on his circumstances. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to do the same.

BibLE study ON the Prophet JEremiah

Each course is for your personal, spiritual benefit as a disciple of Jesus and for you to make disciples of others. In this lesson, you’ll learn God’s promise as you face possible difficulties or even rejection of the saving message of the gospel.