BIBLE STUDY ON Paul's letter to timothy

In this lesson you’ll learn how to best encourage others by studying the example set forth by the apostle Paul in his letter of encouragement to Timothy.

BibLE study ON barnabus

Barnabas is an example of someone with a proper perspective on money and property. In this lesson, you’ll find out why Barnabus is referred to as a “good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith” throughout the Bible.

BIBLE STUDY ON barnabus and paul

Barnabus and Paul travel many years and many miles together. In this lesson, you’ll learn some very small details written in Scripture that have a very large meaning in how God uses men for ministry. 

BibLE study ON church leadership

In this lesson we will begin with a new chain of disciples focusing on a young man, who came from a Christian family, but had a rebellious moment in his youth. From his story, found mostly in the book of Acts, we’ll learn how to deal with other Christians and even fellow leaders when they fall into sin. 

BIBLE STUDY ON The apostle Mark

The apostle Mark evolves from a young, immature man who failed in his first attempt as a missionary to someone Paul considers essential to his own ministry. In this lesson, you’ll learn details of Mark’s change as a fruit of Barnabas’ patient encouragement.  

BibLE study ON Priscilla and Aquila

In this lesson, you’ll learn about a unique missionary couple, Priscilla and Aquila. They were instructed by Paul and shared the message of Jesus with Apollos. Apollos was a gifted man who preached about Jesus and built up the church which Paul had begun. 

BIBLE STUDY ON false doctrine

Only God can know what’s in a person’s heart; we cannot determine what amount of false doctrine will destroy a person’s faith in God altogether. In this lesson, you’ll learn why it’s important to protect the true gospel message. 

BibLE study ON Paul's letter to the romans

In this lesson, you’ll study Paul’s letter to the Romans, in it Paul outlines specific goals and a clear strategy for carrying out God’s work. We can be encouraged to do the same.