The Bible: In the Beginning
In this course, we will learn the principles of everything: creation, the human race, the plan of salvation and the origins of the people of Israel.
Courses in this level are intended to dive deeper into Bible history, doctrine, and theology.
See course descriptions below and visit each course's page for more information.
The Bible: The Chosen Nation
In this Old Testament course, we will see how God made a great nation out of the family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God saved them from Egypt, gave them laws, dominion over the promised land, and blessed them through wise leaders.
The Bible: The Fallen Nation
We learn about idolatry and disobedience of God's people and the consequences. The kingdom was divided. Powerful enemies were approaching. Would God remain faithful to His promises? Would a remnant survive? And, most importantly, would the Messiah come?
The Bible: The Coming of the Savior
In this course we will study the arrival of God's Anointed One to the earth and the principles of Jesus’ ministry.
The Bible: The Work of the Savior
In this course we will focus on the week when the Son of God gave His life for us and resumed it on the third day.
The Bible: The Christian Church
We learn about the obstacles the disciples faced in carrying out a great mission instructed by the Savior. And what can we learn from the missionary work of the Christian church in the book of Acts?
Jesus' Teachings: The Ten Commandments
This course will help us understand God's law, the use of the Ten Commandments, and their application in the life of a follower of Christ today. We will also see that Jesus Christ is the one who fulfilled God's law as our substitute.
Jesus' Teachings: The True God
Who is God? Human beings of all times have desired the answers to such questions. In this course, we share God's word that holds clear answers. We will see God's great love for humanity.
Jesus' Teachings: Sacraments and Prayer
In this course we will study the blessings of baptism, the Lord's Supper, and prayer. In addition, we will see the essence and functions of the church according to the Bible.
Fellowship: Legalism - Enemy of Grace
Legalism confuses people and makes them believe that their relationship with God is based on how well they play by the rules. God doesn't want this kind of relationship with us. In this course, we will clear up the confusion. God wants a relationship with us based on the saving message of the gospel!
Fellowship: Spiritual Identification
A basic psychological need is to discover our identity. Questions like "Who am I?" and "What makes me, me?" help us to discover our true identity. We also have a Spiritual Identity which is based on our understanding of God’s Word. In this course, we evaluate God’s Word to develop and confirm your Spiritual Identity.
The Word Grows: Living as a Disciple
In this course it is our privilege to talk to Jesus' disciples about being disciples of Jesus. We will ask the question, "What is a disciple?" More importantly, we will look in the mirror and ask ourselves, "Am I a disciple?" And "If I am a disciple of the risen Christ, what does that mean for my life today?"
The Word Grows: Disciples Make Disciples
"Go and make disciples..." said our Lord. In this course, the last course of Discipleship, we will learn how to go and make more disciples.
The Word Grows: Multiplying Disciples
In this course, we take a closer look at the book of Acts. We will look at the chains of disciples – how God multiplied believers in the early Christian church.
Courses in this level are intended to teach you how to shepherd souls and multiply your impact.
See course descriptions below and visit each course's page for more information.
The Word Grows: Multiplying Ministers
The purpose of this course is for students to learn how to identify, train, call, and engage others in ministry motivated by God’s Word to grow His Kingdom.
The Word Grows: Multiplying Churches
In this course, we will discuss how to multiply churches; it is important that we understand the concept of multiplication, but also the concept of the church.
Let Us Worship: Biblical Principles of Worship
This course presents the basis for conducting a worship service solely based on the Word of God.
Let Us Worship: Worship in Practice
This course presents useful tips and suggestions to put into practice for conducting a worship service solely based on the Word of God.
The Epistles
In this course students will learn 16 of the letters of the New Testament, its context and its content. Students then are prepared to use the letters to answer questions about salvation, holy living, and God's will for his church.
TELL Bible Pathway Part 1
TELL Bible Pathway Part 1 contains one full year of course material for advanced TELL students to use with their group or congregation. Growth Group students who complete Bible Pathway Part 1 and are in agreement may be brought into our Christian membership.
Courses in this level are intended for use by advanced TELL students as they teach their members.
See course descriptions below and visit each course's page for more information.
TELL Bible Pathway Part 2
TELL Bible Pathway Part 2 contains an additional year of course material for advanced TELL students to use with their group or congregation.